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Česká sekce INSEA

Czech Section of INSEA



Welcome to the official website of the Czech Section of INSEA, the national section of the International Society for Education through Art, and a specialised portal for art education and education through art in its broadest sense!

‘Creative activity in art is a basic need common to all people; and art is one of man’s highest forms of expression and communication.'

from the Preamble of the Constitution of the International Society
for Education through Art

Back to the Czech version



The international association for education through art defines itself as a community that strives to defend the position of art education and its research, and to interconnect people and share findings in the field. It emphasises the importance of research – be it theoretical, or, empirical – and its links to praxis of art teaching. The Czech Section of INSEA cannot have other objectives – while being a real community it also has the quality of the didactic discourse of our field at its heart.

The Czech Section of INSEA is part of a civil society in Václav Havel’s sense of the term which points out the overall positive impact of a collective life on a democratic society, as well as the fact that it provides a person – an individual with a space for self-realisation. In the contrast to neoliberal concept of a society and education (which particularly art education has to brave as it accents also other than economically perceived values), Havel maintained that a human being is not just a producer, a creator of a profit, or, a consumer. In the deepest sense, a human being is somebody who self-realises themselves through interpersonal relations and desires cooperation, somebody who is not negligent to what is happening around them. A civil society – that is also the Czech Section of INSEA – is one of the forms of a pure human self-realisation, it is a space in which to fulfil our responsibility for the world. This is how many of us perceive education through art itself which continues to gain in power and visibility thanks to its institutionalised and community-based character.

Petra Šobáňová, head of the Czech Section of INSEA


Our mission

The Czech Section of INSEA is a voluntary non-profit association which is a collective member of the international organization of INSEA (International Society for Education through Art) and which aims at promoting cooperation in education through art and education towards art. This non-governmental organization is represented in many countries of all continents while playing an integrating role in accordance with its constitution which is also binding for the Czech Section. INSEA activities are consequently linked to the activities of UNESCO with which INSEA is in consultative form of relationship.

The Czech Section of INSEA is a national section of this significant world-wide organization which is to celebrate in 2017 the 50th anniversary of its continual activity in the field of education through art.

The mission of the Czech Section of INSEA is to encourage and advance education through art and the didactic discourse of art education as well as to contribute to the international cooperation in this area. The association monitors and shares experience from abroad, publishes specialized texts and reports, and dispenses information on world-wide activities in the field of education through visual art in the whole and broadly perceived sphere of aesthetic education.


The Czech Section of INSEA organizes conferences and educational seminars, and is dedicated to the advancement of theoretical research in this area.


of the Czech Section of INSEA

“I'm a testimonial. Click to edit me and add text that says something nice about you and your services.”
Listy České sekce INSEA, ročník 5, 1/2016



The Newsletter of the Czech Section of INSEA plays the role of a specialised source of informatin and a discussion panel for members of the Czech Section of INSEA (International Society for Education through Art). Initially, the newsletters were published in the period between 1995 and 1998 as a non-periodical issue (there were 5 issues published in this 4-year period). In 2016, this tradition was followed by a fifth year of the renewed bulletin which is now issued twice a year as a non-registered bulletin for the needs of the society and specialised public.

We welcome any information and invitations that you would like to share
in the Newsletter of the Czech Section of INSEA

The Newsletter of the Czech Section of INSEA plays the role of a specialised source of information and a discussion panel for members of our society. Initially, the newsletters were published in the period between 1995 and 1998 as a non-periodical issue (there were 5 issues published in this 4-year period). In 2016, this tradition was followed by a fifth year of the renewed bulletin which is now issued twice a year as a non-registered bulletin for the needs of the society and specialised public. You can find the full texts of our Newsletters issued since 2016 here. The archive of older issues can be found here.



Contact us!


Česká sekce INSEA, z. s.

Univerzitní 3, 779 00 Olomouc

IČ: 49280228

Our bank account : 2400943111/2010

You can also use this contact form:

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© 2016 Česká sekce INSEA; webmaster Petra Šobáňová. Proudly created with

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